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Jennifer Rene Psaki's Christening: Baghdad Bobbettte

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 3:07 pm
by Historian
The less than stellar White House Press Secretary, a discredit to her Greek heritage
of wisdom and Western philosophy, and her Polish heritage of erudition, e.g., Copernicus, mathematical
logicians like Jan Ɓukasiewicz.

Henceforth she will be given the sobriquet of Baghdad Bobbettte,
carrying on the magnificent tradition of her spiritual predecessor Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf ...
Baghdad Bob.

"In March of 2003, Saddam's Minister of Information was everybody's favorite inadvertent comedian.
Sporting a kicky black beret and delightfully bombastic lexicon, Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf appeared on TV daily
to predict American failure and deny the Baghdad invasion--sometimes even as U.S. tanks appeared behind him."

"He's great," President George W. Bush said of Sahaf, admitting that he occasionally interrupted meetings
to watch Sahaf's briefings. "Someone accused us of hiring him and putting him there. He was a classic."

This Thanks Giving we all hope all the DemoNrats were given the bird. :) :)