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Griffin booster/piston length

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2024 12:52 pm
by Astocks2622
I'm planning on building a form 1 for the first time primarily for my 300 blackout and 458 socom ARs. However, I'd like the option of running it on some of my pistols, so looking at buying a booster assembly with 1.375x24 threads. Was looking at the griffin booster assembly with ez lock for the pistols. I need to know how far into the suppressor the booster and piston penetrate, but griffin won't tell me. I'd rather not buy them yet, but I can't continue designing the suppressor until I know how far forward the first baffle needs to be so the booster can fit in the back.
Anyone have a griffin 1.375x24 booster who would be willing to measure overall length from flange to forward end and diameter of the end of the booster? Also thread tenon length?